To celebrate the Early Access launch of Lynked: Banner of the Spark, we’re continuing our Dev Streams this week, from October 22nd until the 25th! Click below for any and all FuzzyBot Steam broadcasts:
➤ We're also streaming simultaneously on Twitch!
Join the FuzzyBot developers and learn more about the processes, inspirations, insights, and challenges in creating the world of Lynked: Banner of the Spark. Here’s the full schedule:
Welcome to Early Access
⬩ When: October 22, 2 PM PT | Hosts: Max Spielberg (Creative Director,) Sam Kushell (Gameplay Designer,) and Kate Jacobs (Audio Designer)
Audio Team Stream
⬩ When: October 23, 11 AM PT | Hosts: Ronny Mraz (Audio Director,) Kate Jacobs (Audio Designer,) and special guest: Zach Abramson (Composer)
Art Team Stream
⬩ When: October 24, 10 AM PT | Hosts: Eric Kozlowsky (Art Director,) Noah Maas (Sr. UI/UX Designer,) Lise Elsoght (Concept Artist,) and Arthur Gorin (Concept Artist)
Looking Ahead Stream
⬩ When: October 25, 2 PM PT | Hosts: Max Spielberg (Creative Director) & Sam Kushell (Gameplay Designer)
➤ Each stream should last roughly one to two hours—make sure to hop in to say hi in the chat! Please note that we’re a small studio and a lot of us work from home! The schedule above may change if we encounter any schedule or technical issues. Make sure to join our Discord community or follow us on social media to stay updated!
Thank you so much for accompanying our development journey so far—we'll see you in the game!