Hi everyone! We here at FuzzyBot are incredibly excited to give you a closer look at our debut title, Lynked: Banner of the Spark! We can’t wait to finally get this game into your hands and are happy to announce that Early Access will begin on Steam starting Tuesday, October 22.
Check out the new trailer we just unveiled at Gamescom Opening Night Live, below. If you like what you’re seeing so far, it will mean the world to us if you consider wishlisting Lynked: Banner of the Spark on Steam to keep up with the game as development continues.
A Future Ruled by Machines

In Lynked: Banner of the Spark, you will embark on an action-packed, hack-and-slash, co-op adventure, set in a future where humanity has all but disappeared from Earth. Team up with other survivors and work alongside a ragtag collective of robot allies as you fight back against the Combots, an oppressive, hivemind-like network of machines who envision a world without organic life. Between missions, you’ll return to the safety of your town. This will be your base of operations where you will rally Unibot allies to join your resistance movement, as well as secure permanent upgrades that will give you an edge during forays into Combot territory.
Bring The Fight to The Combots

The Combots won’t just let you foil their plans without putting up a fight! You’ll need to dismantle them one by one in roguelite-inspired missions. Summon your inner acrobat to dash through their traps and dodge their attacks. Wield your grappling hook, called the Wyre, to grab and toss enemies, or to pull them in close for an introduction to your primary weapon.

As you progress through more missions, you will learn to craft an arsenal of weapons from 10 different classes, each featuring a diverse set of upgrades to unlock and Spark Powers to employ against your robotic foes. During a mission, you’ll also discover new weapon class variants and mid-run upgrades that will bring variety to your combat style from one playthrough to the next.
Build and Customize Your Very Own Town

When it’s time to regroup after bringing the fight to the Combots, you can unwind in the cozy confines of a town that’s all your own. Throughout your adventures, you will find and recruit a variety of Unibot allies to join your community and aid you with their unique skill sets. As your population grows, so will your options to build out and customize the town. Collect resources as you explore and take part in minigames, construct buildings where you can craft weapons and upgrade your gear, decorate the town to suit your tastes, or even do a little fishing.
Join Forces in 3-Player Online Co-op

You can lead the charge against the Combots solo or join forces with up to two other humans to take on challenging missions as a team in 3-player online co-op. Plan out your gear so that it will complement your allies during your next run. Then, work together to unleash devastating attack and ability combinations against your foes. After the mission is over, the three of you will return to your shared town where you can trade resources, craft, customize, or simply spend time hanging out together.

We’ll See You in Early Access!
As mentioned above, Lynked: Banner of the Spark will enter early access on Steam for $24.99, starting October 22, 2024. Head to Steam to add Lynked to your wishlist, and join our growing community on Discord to follow along with the game and our team as we approach Early Access. You can also head here to find us on a variety of social media platforms, where we’ll keep you updated with the latest and greatest news from development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Looks awesome! When can I try out the game?
We plan to kick off Early Access on Steam beginning Tuesday, October 22. In the meantime, you can head here to add Lynked: Banner of the Spark to your Steam wishlist. You can also visit our website and sign up for our newsletter to keep up with our development progress.
What platforms will I be able to use to play Lynked: Banner of the Spark?
The Early Access build for Lynked: Banner of the Spark will be available for play on PC through Steam. We would love to bring the game to as many platforms as we can, but we aren’t quite ready to share those details just yet. As soon as we are, we will be sure to let you know.
How much will Early Access cost?
Early Access for Lynked: Banner of the Spark Early will initially cost $24.99, though we may adjust that price at or near our official release window, and we will be sure to let you know ahead of time if that happens.
Will Early Access include the entire game?
In Early Access, you’ll be able to try out everything Lynked: Banner of the Spark has to offer, but we don’t want to spoil the entire story quite so soon! Plus, we’re still actively working on some of the later Chapters of the campaign. During Early Access you can expect to play through 4 Chapters of the story, which each include 6 missions.
Can I play Lynked solo?
Yes, you can play solo. However, we believe Lynked: Banner of the Spark is even better when you’re fighting alongside your friends.
Where can I keep up with Lynked: Banner of the Spark and the FuzzyBot team?
You can stay on top of the latest news and chat about the game with other players by joining us on Discord. You can also head here to find us on your favorite social media platforms.
Do you have any plans to work with content creators?
We’d love to hear from any and all content creators who are interested in working with us! Head to our website’s community page and fill out the content creator sign-up form, so that we can send you game updates or reach out for any potential opportunities for us to work together.
What languages will be supported in Lynked: Banner of the Spark?
The bots you’ll encounter throughout Lynked aren’t used to interacting with humans, because so few of them are left. As a result, they communicate using their own language, which will be automatically translated into subtitles.
During Early Access, Lynked will support subtitles in English, French, German, Italian, European and Latin American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. We are also working to include Japanese, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese by the time we reach our full release.